Oscar Molina

Hailing from Los Angeles, California, Oscar Molina has now been in Boston for a little over 3 years, where he originally ended up to work as an Applications/Sales Engineer and then a Mechanical Engineer at Markforged (a 3D printing company in the area). Prior to making the leap to the East Coast, he found himself working and studying in the Bay Area, where he completed both his Master’s and Bachelor’s Degrees in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University, with a focus on manufacturing and robotics. Oscar hopes to take his sales and product management skills, customer-focused engineering design experience, and familiarity with scaled-manufacturing to help Aquatic Labs grow.

Outside of work, Oscar enjoys rallying the people together for delicious meals and game nights, mountain biking, long distance running, bouldering, and podcasting, among many other activities. His passion for keeping good company around and being in nature fuels his efforts at Aquatic Labs to make awesome products for people doing awesome work.


Mark Babetski


Umar Padela